INFOGRAPHIC Allergies vs. COVID-19

 In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, allergy-sufferers are wondering if their coughs, sneezes, and sniffles are thanks to their run-of-the-mill allergies from dust or pollen, or if they need been infected with the virus.

The argument between whether it's a coronavirus infection or an allergy has shrouded the overall public concernedly, as any sign of illness has almost left people paralyzed with the fear of being infected- or infecting others- with COVID-19.

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There is indeed some overlap and similarities between allergy symptoms and therefore the virus. consistent with information published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, both COVID-19 and allergies cause coughs, headaches, tiredness or fatigue, and runny or congested noses.

Additionally, shortness of breath is common with those affected by a coronavirus infection. Similarly, if individuals suffer from both respiratory issues and allergies, then they will experience shortness of breath also.

Sore throats, while common in those with allergies, are less common in those infected with COVID-19.

Symptoms exclusive to the coronavirus include fever or chills, mild to severe body aches, and loss of senses including taste and/or smell.

Symptoms exclusive to allergies include sneezing and irritated, itchy, or watery eyes.

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