Fayette vaccine registry out of names for those in 1A category

 Anyone within the 1A category in Fayette County who still wishes to be vaccinated must devour the phone, stat.

The registry established by the county’s task force has run out of names.

Muriel Nuttall, the co-chair of the task force, said anyone therein category who’s signed up but hasn’t received a call – or anyone therein designation who hasn’t signed up but wants a vaccine – can call 724-466-4889 to request a meeting as soon as Thursday.

“Incredibly, we’re at some extent where just between Uniontown and Highlands hospitals alone, I feel they’ve given 26,000 vaccinations – which doesn’t include our partner pharmacies and Centerville Clinics,” Nuttall said Tuesday.

The swiftness with which the county has moved through its population has led the task force to approach state officials, posing for permission to maneuver into the 1B designation.

Those within the 1B phase include food and agricultural workers, U.S. postal workers, clergy, and manufacturing workers. A full listing of these eligible altogether phases is often found on health.pa.gov.

Nuttall, executive of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce, said it’s important for those within the 1B and 1C categories to check in on the registry at fayettecountypa.org now to stay the method moving forward.

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“We have 4,100 doses coming next week for the 2 large clinics,” she noted.

Until the county gets the go-ahead from the state, however, they need to limit vaccines to the 1A phase only, Nuttall said.

“We have excelled at getting our residents therein population vaccinated, and that we have ample vaccine. we'd like that permission to maneuver on to the subsequent group,” she said.

When the categories shift, Nuttall said the task force is exploring ways to possess clinics at different times to accommodate those whose work schedules make coming certain the shot during typical business hours difficult. They also decide to add additional ways to schedule vaccine appointments.

The task force recently created a subcommittee to figure on getting homebound residents vaccinated, too. Nuttall said registrants are going to be ready to note on the shape that they're unable to return certain the shot, and arrangements are going to be made to vaccinate them.

“The residents of Fayette County should be proud that we’re during this place. Now, we’re trying to return up with every way possible to form sure we’ve covered our population,” she said.

Now, however, county officials wait to ascertain if the task force gets permission to maneuver faster than the state within the race to vaccinate residents.

“We don’t want to prevent. We’ve got good momentum. Our partners are strong and that we got to be ready to keep it up moving forward,” Nuttall said.

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